Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Blood donor

We are having a blood drive at work today. My appointment is in 2 hours and 40 minutes. Can you tell I am a little nervous?

I was going to go home and pull weeds this afternoon, but the blood donation directions say to avoid strenuous activity for a few hours. Does making dinner count? Maybe I will do a little shopping. I am on the hunt for some blue Snoopy flannel so I don't have to order it online.

I should get some water to drink, as you are supposed to be well hydrated. Maybe some sugar too.

Duane split his shorts today, so I had to run a pair of shorts to him at the office. These particular shorts were on their last legs anyway, and Duane is pretty rough on his clothes. Do you think I will be able to get him to look for a new pair of shorts? He has plenty of shirts. I just got him 5 new shirts last week. Sometimes I think he has more clothes than I do.

I made some awesome mashed potatoes last night. I don't usually make mashed potatoes, so I was happy that they turned out so tasty. We had a haddock filet that I fried with a little panko.

I am thinking of making some chocolate stout cupcakes. The Hot Librarian mentioned making them on her blog, and they were awesome the last time I made them. Baking can be very therapeutic for me. I would bring them in to work, because otherwise Duane would eat them all!

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