Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pitchfork Festival

Apparently I totally neglected to post about the festival. Well it was hot!

Art Brut was way better in person than on CD and a lot of fun.

I was not a big fan of the Futureheads, but they got a great review.

Ted Leo was great, but no keyboards (Ted Leo plays both guitar and keyboards and you can't do both at the same time).

Silver Jews were a lot more put together than they were in Madison. There was no sheet music and David Berman was more personable. The first song was crap, but they got it together after that. They were not the best band to the end the concert though, being rather mellow.

They needed more port-a-potties and better food choices. It was too hot to drink much beer since you pretty much had to slam it before it got warm. They were selling water for $1 though, which was great. There was also a fountain where you could refill bottles and that was the longest line all day.

The craft shopping was cool, but suffered from poor lighting conditions. You also could only pay with cash and the ATM line took forever.


Dr. The Bird Man said...

I heartedly disagree. No Silver Jews song is crap. They are all beautiful artworks.

Carey said...

I should have clarified that statement. The song itself was not bad, but the timing and singing were off (making it sound like crap).