Friday, April 28, 2006

Busy weekend

Well we were going to a dinner tonight for Duane's work, but he doesn't feel like going. The last time we went the food was good, but it was BORING. They do not have alcohol there as a policy (due to an accident after one of these parties that involved alcohol). I understand the policy, but it makes the dinner even more boring.

Tomorrow is a Home Buyer's Fair that I will be attending. It has classes and exhibitors, hopefully it won't be too boring. We may be having dinner with a friend.

Sunday I have an open house, although only from 1-3. Hopefully that won't be a waste of time (although I get paid $30, so it is never a complete waste of time)

It is also supposed to rain all weekend. I would like to see said friend's la crosse games (never having seen one before), but I doubt I will if it is raining all weekend.

I am also reminding Duane that he could invite me out to lunch once in awhile (oh and maybe do the dishes too).

A Duane funnyism: Him- "Have you noticed a funny smell over here? (indicating area right by the garbage can) I think it may be coming from the vent." Me- "Try taking out the garbage" Him- "Oh, yeah"

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