Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Man sized weeds

I wouldn't let Duane salt the earth this year with Roundup, so now we have man sized weeds (some of them are literally 8 feet tall). Every year I plan to fix the situation and every year I wait until it is hotter than hades outside. We have sunflowers growing under the bird feeders and a pumpkin vine growing into the yard.

We have 2 cats that we have been taking care of since April. Their owners are not able to take them back and I have a feeling they will be with us for awhile longer. One of them has just started coming upstairs in the daytime. I would never take them to the Humane Society, but I really thought we would be done taking care of them by now.

We bought a device that you plug into your various appliances and it tells you how much energy they are using. It turns out that the dehumidifier (and it is a small one) uses a boatload of energy. Our basement gets rather moist and stinky without the dehumidifier especially when the AC is off. We have also been investigating different solar options. Our city actually pays quite a bit or offers you low interest financing to install solar options. They will even pay part of the cost to have someone evaulate your home to see if it is right for solar options.

I am off to Chicago this Saturday for a sleepover! We will be hitting a big antique market, neighborhood festival, and hopefully eating some sushi. I can't wait!

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