Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hi-ho, Hi-hi, it's off to work we go

I am at work and bored. I have work I should be doing and I am not doing it. I wonder if you can get therapy for procrastination? I seem to have been born with it.

If I can remember I will post some pictures of the bathroom in progress. I don't think I took a picture of the hole in the floor.

Duane has been crabby. DUANE STOP BEING CRABBY NOW. :)

I am back on WWs and planning on hitting the gym in the mornings next week. I realized one of the things keeping me from the gym is that I don't like to shower there. When I am done with this job, I will have the time to go home and shower!

Duane is worried that we will be destitute once I am done with my job.

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