Thursday, September 22, 2005


Duane bought new glasses and new shoes last night! He is also getting his hair cut today. He will be all spiffy for NC.

Thunderstorms last night from midnight till 3 am, so I am pretty sleepy.

I am a little worried about one of our dogs. It could just be a tummy bug or the thunderstorms (he really hates thunderstorms). He wanted to go for a walk this morning and was eating treats, so he will probably be ok.

The hole in the bathroom floor will be fixed (completely) tonight!

My hair color turned out pretty well (darker brown and is more noticable). She felt the need to cut my hair again (she just cut it last week), but it looks fine.

It is going to be warm in NC this weekend. I am not going in to work tomorrow (yeah) and we fly out at 1:30.

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