Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I am in a funk

It doesn't matter how smart you are or how strong you are, you can still succomb to a funk.

I am trying to get out of it and get excited about things again.

I will go to the gym. I will get out of bed before 9:30 (!). I will cook dinner. I will eat breakfast and lunch (although it was nice to hear that I look like I have lost weight).

I will sell some houses!!

I have a great idea for a gift for my baby making friends (which I thought of right before I fell asleep last night).

I start golf lessons tomorrow and the new bowling league. These are things to be excited about!

1 comment:

Kandy Christensen said...

Stupid funks. I'm in one now too. Could I cure my funk vicariously through you because I don't think I'd make it to the gym any time soon!

Congrats on selling the house!

Glad to hear you've got those creative juices flowing.