Friday, February 25, 2005

Hey, it is Friday!

We are having a potluck at work today. I made steak and chicken for fajitas and it turned out fabulously! I have never made this particular recipe before, so I was very happy. Beer was included as well, so that is always a good thing.

I fixed my resume yesterday and uploaded it to a bunch of job sites. Is it unrealistic for me to want them to call me today with tons of job offers? I suppose so.

Lots of home improvement planned for the weekend. I got a new painting contraption from QVC, so hopefully it works as they claim. Duane would like to sloth on the couch all weekend, but the house is a disaster area.

My boss and his wife leave on Monday for a 10 days in CA. Yea!

My birthday is coming up, but I am pretending that it isn't.

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